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Invited speakers and special guests
- 11 March 2024, 17:00, Andrea Sgarro. The event will take place in room 215, 2nd floor, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bucharest, Academiei 14, Bucharest.
Title: The two Cultures: from the Arithmetic of Possibilities to Baroque Flutes
Short Bio: Andrea Sgarro este cercetător la Universitatea din Trieste, (Italia) și profesor de Cibernetică și Informatică. Se ocupă de teoria informației, criptografie, fuzzy logic și lingvistică computațională. Este directorul secției Scienza e tecnologia a Circolo della Cultura e delle Arti din Trieste în același timp fiind foarte activ în diseminarea și comunicarea științifică. Cartea sa, Codici segreti, Oscar Mondadori, a oferit pentru prima dată o nouă criptografie unui public de limba italiană. Lingvistica computațională, la care a fost introdus de Solomon Marcus, este în momentul de față principala sa preocupare. Este de asemenea un poliglot pasionat și canta la flaut traversier baroc.
- 4 March 2024, 17:00, Preslav Nakov & Aigerim Alibek, Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence Masdar City, Abu Dhabi. The event will take place in Amphiteather Țițeica 3rd floor, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.
Title: Factuality Challenges in the Era of Large Language Models
Abstract: We will discuss the risks, the challenges, and the opportunities that Large Language Models (LLMs) bring regarding factuality. We will then delve into our recent work on using LLMs to assist fact-checking (e.g., claim normalization, stance detection, question-guided fact-checking, program-guided reasoning, and synthetic data generation for fake news and propaganda identification), on checking and correcting the output of LLMs, on detecting machine-generated text (blackbox and whitebox), and on fighting the ongoing misinformation pollution with LLMs. Finally, we will discuss work on safeguarding LLMs, and the safety mechanisms we incorporated in Jais-chat, the world’s best open Arabic-centric foundation and instruction-tuned LLM.
Short Bio: Preslav Nakov is Professor at Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence. Previously, he was Principal Scientist at the Qatar Computing Research Institute, HBKU, where he led the Tanbih mega-project, developed in collaboration with MIT, which aims to limit the impact of “fake news”, propaganda and media bias by making users aware of what they are reading, thus promoting media literacy and critical thinking. He received his PhD degree in Computer Science from the University of California at Berkeley, supported by a Fulbright grant. He is Chair-Elect of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL), Secretary of ACL SIGSLAV, and Secretary of the Truth and Trust Online board of trustees. Formerly, he was PC chair of ACL 2022, and President of ACL SIGLEX. He is also member of the editorial board of several journals including Computational Linguistics, TACL, ACM TOIS, IEEE TASL, IEEE TAC, CS&L, NLE, AI Communications, and Frontiers in AI. He authored a Morgan & Claypool book on Semantic Relations between Nominals, two books on computer algorithms, and 250+ research papers. He received a Best Paper Award at ACM WebSci‘2022, a Best Long Paper Award at CIKM‘2020, a Best Demo Paper Award (Honorable Mention) at ACL‘2020, a Best Task Paper Award (Honorable Mention) at SemEval‘2020, a Best Poster Award at SocInfo‘2019, and the Young Researcher Award at RANLP’2011. He was also the first to receive the Bulgarian President’s John Atanasoff award, named after the inventor of the first automatic electronic digital computer. His research was featured by over 100 news outlets, including Forbes, Boston Globe, Aljazeera, DefenseOne, Business Insider, MIT Technology Review, Science Daily, Popular Science, Fast Company, The Register, WIRED, and Engadget, among others.
- Wednesday, May 24, 2023, 18:00 – 19:00 (Ro time, EET): Jesus Serrano Guerrero, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Title: Fuzzy logic and Opinion Mining.
Hybride presentation. On site: Titeica Hall, (3rd floor), Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bucharest, Academiei 14, Bucharest
Online: Google Meet Video call link: The event will take place as part of the Solomon Marcus HLT research seminars and NLP master, University of Bucharest (
Abstract: Fuzzy logic and Opinion Mining
In the last few years, many publications have appeared in the field of Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining. Many solutions of these tasks of these fields are based on Soft Computing techniques, primarily leaded by Deep Learning at the present moment. But there are others which still resort to the use of the classic techniques such as Fuzzy logic. This talk will present a short summary of some of the main points where researchers are using fuzzy logic to deal with typical classic Sentiment Analysis tasks.
Short bio Jesús Serrano-Guerrero is an associate professor of the university of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). He obtained his doctorate under the supervision of José Angel Olivas, professor of the same university and awarded doctor honoris causa by the university of La Plata (Argentina). His research topics are focused on the different applications of artificial intelligence on fields such as information retrieval, recommender systems or sentiment analysis among others. Especially, in this last topic, he has several publications and special issues on topic-tier journals with highly-cited researchers such as Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Francisco Chiclana or Erik Cambria. Furthermore, he is usual reviewer of many journal (Information Sciences, Knowledge-based Systems, Information Processing and Management ….) and serves on the editorial boards of the Journals such as Applied Soft Computing or Frontiers on Artificial Intelligence.
- 15 May, 2023, 16:00. Ella Rabinovich, room: 215, second floor, online access: Fifty Shades of Grey: Exploration of the Usage of Color Terms by Color-blind Participants in Online Discussion Platforms
Abstract: Prominent questions about the role of sensory vs. linguistic input in the way we acquire and use language have been extensively studied in the psycholinguistic literature. However, the relative effect of various factors in a person’s overall experience on their linguistic system remains unclear. We study this question by making a step forward towards a better understanding of the conceptual perception of colors by color-blind individuals, as reflected in their spontaneous linguistic productions. Using a novel and carefully curated dataset, we show that red-green color-blind speakers use the “red” and “green” color terms in less predictable contexts, and in linguistic environments evoking mental image to a lower extent, when compared to their normal-sighted counterparts. These findings shed some new and interesting light on the role of sensory experience on our linguistic system.
Short bio Ella Rabinovich has completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the department of Computer Science at University of Toronto, supervised by Prof. Suzanne Stevenson. Her research focuses on computational approaches to the study of various aspects of bilingualism. She explores the unique properties of translated texts and productions of advanced non-native speakers, covering a wide range of syntactic and lexical phenomena and applying state-of-the-art (supervised and unsupervised) machine learning and natural language processing techniques. Additional topics she is interested to include computational social science, informational retrieval, and argumentation mining.
In addition to her work at IBM Research Labs, she is holding a faculty position at the Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yaffo (Israel).
20-26 March, 2023: NitroNLP hackathon, tutorials and conference:
14 November, 2022, 16:00, room 12, ground floor Andrea Sgarro (University of Trieste, Italy): To the boundaries of syntactic prehistory through a maze of languages
6 October, 2022, 18:00, room 220, 2nd floor [Bogdan Iordache]: On the Influence of Financial News on the Stock Market Trend
24 November, 2021, 18:00. Rada Mihalcea (University of Michigan): The Ups and Downs of Word Embeddings, Online access here.
Abstract: Word embeddings have largely been a “success story” in our field. They have enabled progress in numerous language processing applications, and have facilitated the application of large-scale language analyses in other domains, such as social sciences and humanities. While less talked about, word embeddings also have many shortcomings — instability, lack of transparency, biases, and more. In this talk, I will review the “ups” and “downs” of word embeddings, discuss tradeoffs, and chart potential future research directions to address some of the downsides of these word representations.
About Rada Mihalcea: is the Janice M. Jenkins Collegiate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan and the Director of the Michigan Artificial Intelligence Lab. Her research interests are in computational linguistics, with a focus on lexical semantics, computational social sciences, and multimodal language processing. She serves or has served on the editorial boards of the Journals of Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluations, Natural Language Engineering, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, and Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics. She was a program co-chair for EMNLP 2009 and ACL 2011, and a general chair for North American ACL 2015 and SEM 2019. She directs multiple diversity and mentorship initiatives, including Girls Encoded and the ACL Year-Round Mentorship program. She currently serves as ACL President. She is the recipient of a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers awarded by President Obama (2009), and was named an ACM Fellow (2019) and an AAAI Fellow (2021). In 2013, she was made an honorary citizen of her hometown of Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
17 November, 2021, 18:00. [Diana Inkpen])( (University of Ottawa): Detecting Signs of Mental Health Issues and Suicide Ideation from Social Media, Online access here.
December, 16, 2020, 16:00. Tsvetomila Mihaylova (Instituto de Telecomunicações, Lisbon, Portugal) and Vlad Niculae (University of Amsterdam): Tutorial on Latent Structure Models for Natural Language Processing part II
December, 9, 2020, 16:00. Tsvetomila Mihaylova (Instituto de Telecomunicações, Lisbon, Portugal) and Vlad Niculae (University of Amsterdam): Tutorial on Latent Structure Models for Natural Language Processing part I
November, 26, 2020, 16:00-17:30. Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil (Cornell University): Towards an artificial intuition: Conversational markers of (anti)social dynamics
Solomon Marcus seminar in Computational Linguistics 2019-2020
3 March. Florin Brad, Traian Rebedea (UPB): Exploring transformer-based models (orele 18.00, Amfiteatrul Stoilow, etajul 2), Facultatea de Matematică și Informatică, Universitatea din București. In cadrul prezentării, vom discuta despre modelele neurale de tip transformator și vom analiza de ce acestea aduc beneficii importante pentru o gamă largă de aplicații din lingvistica computațională.
25 November. Dan Dediu (Laboratoire Dynamique Du Langage (DDL) and Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, France, Metode cantitative aplicate la studiul diversității lingvistice (orele 18.00, amfiteatrul Spiru Haret, parter), Facultatea de Matematică și Informatică, Universitatea din București. Această întâlnire este realizată împreună cu ICUB, secția Digital Humanities ( Mai multe detalii aici
3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Artificial Intelligence (RAAI) 2019
Access here the call for papers for the third RAAI conference (28-30 June 2019).
Solomon Marcus seminar in Computational Linguistics 2019
3 April 2019. Catalin Stoean (University of Craiova): Machine learning for classification: from medical applications to text processing (orele 14.30, sala 220, etajul 2), Facultatea de Matematică și Informatică, Universitatea din București.
19 March 2019. Eugen Istodor (Universitatea din București, Facultatea de Litere): Despre Caragiale și analiza computațională a umorului (orele 17.00, amfiteatrul Titeica, etajul 3), Facultatea de Matematică și Informatică, Universitatea din București.
Solomon Marcus seminar in Computational Linguistics 2018
- 20 November 2018. Stefan Ruseti (UPB): Recursive Neural Networks using Dependency Masks (18:00, Spiru Haret amphitheather, ground floor, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bucharest)
- 7 March 2018. Sergiu Nisioi (Univ. of Bucharest): Exploring Neural Text Simplification Models (18:30, Stoilow amphitheater, first floor, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bucharest)
2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Artificial Intelligence (RAAI) 2018
Access here the call for papers for the second RAAI conference (25-26 June 2018).
1st International Conference on Recent Advances in Artificial Intelligence (RAAI)
Access here the call for papers for the first RAAI conference (19-20 June 2017).
Solomon Marcus seminar in Computational Linguistics
3 May 2017. Mihai Dascalu (UPB): ReaderBench - A Multi-lingual Discourse Processing Tool (Part 2)
29 March 2017. Mihai Dascalu (UPB): ReaderBench - A Multi-lingual Discourse Processing Tool
15 March 2017. Traian Rebedea (UPB): Question Answering @ University Politehnica of Bucharest (part 2)
1 March 2017. Mihai Dinu, Radu Gramatovici, Monica Tataram. Messages: Andreea Calude, Walter von Hahn, Andrea Sgarro, , Lavinia Spandonide. Talks dedicated to Solomon Marcus’s birthday.
7 December 2016. Grzegorz Kowalski (Institute of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw): Polish language corpora and corpus linguistics: overview and perspectives
16 November 2016. Virginio Cantoni (Universita di Pavia): Emerging tools of participatory experiences for exhibition and museum visitors. Walther von Hahn (University of Hamburg): Digital Humanities – New Challenges for CS. Cristina Vertan (University of Hamburg): Formal Representation of vague facts in Humanites.
26 October 2016. Traian Rebedea (UPB): Overview of Question-Answering Solutions @ UPB
5 October 2016. Mihaela Balint (UPB): Analyzing RST-style discourse parsing with a focus on the rhythm of written texts
30 September 2016. Andrea Sgarro (Univ. of Trieste): Muljacic distance revisited